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Etomamie Valley Riders conclude season with awards

Members of the local horse club celebrated the conclusion of its season with a awards afternoon.
Etomamie Valley Riders who enjoyed their last ride prior to the club’s annual awards night, from left, were: Jake Palaniuk, Ronda Palaniuk and Jade Beatty.

PREECEVILLE — Avid horse enthusiast enjoyed their last fall ride of the season hosted by the Etomamie Valley Riders, which was followed by the club’s awards on Nov. 5.

 “It was great to see so many brave the weather and enjoyed the day. I sure loved seeing our younger riders and how much they are improving year-to-year. I am looking forward to see what 2024 will bring with our club,” said Lisa Nielson.

“This year we only had four playdates it seemed that everyone was busy with something, which is not normal since we normally have more than 15 event days. Some of the members participated in Sturgis Sports and Rodeo, and Preeceville Western Days also. Our club helped do the gymkhana events in Sturgis and Preeceville which we all enjoy even if it is hard to get enough grounds crew, but we always manage to find enough workers even if it’s the younger members’ friends helping us out.

“This club consists of members from the Pelly, Sturgis, Preeceville, and Lintlaw, with adult riders and boys and girls from the age of 8-15 years-old which is so nice to see as the young riders ride and improve every year.

“Our fall trail ride was later this year due to the long harvest. We had the freezing rain the night before our ride and had some riders and one wagon team cancel, but we still had a great turnout of members riding and one team of horses. 

“The potluck and awards after the ride was amazing like always, always too much food,  but great to visit with everyone. Can’t wait till next year and hopefully we can have more playdates throughout the spring/summer/fall,” concluded Neilson.

Awards were presented to the top three in four categories: weepee, peewee, junior and senior.

Fastest pole time of the year went to Ronda Palaniuk with a time of 26.433 seconds. She received a belt buckle donated by the Reynolds Family.

Youngest Rider of the club went to Arianna Neilson who is eight. Roland Larson, who recently passed away, wanted to promote the young up-and-coming riders of the club and donated $20 to the youngest member of our club.

Madison Auchstaetter was awarded the high point trophy for most points earned in the club throughout the year. She won a hay net and horse cookies sponsored by R & M Arabs.

Fastest barrel time of the year went to Shyann Lindholm with a time of 17.095 seconds. Ronda Palaniuk sponsored the award and presented Shyann with a necklace.

Marlene Palaniuk was the oldest rider of the year and received a plate.

In the weepee category of the barrels, poles and games events,

  • Arianna Neilson was awarded with first place in all three events and received a $50 gift certificate, earrings and a blanket.

In the peewee category of barrels, poles and games, in all three events, winners were:

  • Madison Auchstaetter won first place and received a $50 gift certificate, caliber horse feed, and a bucket.
  • Mercedes Lindholm won second place and received a bucket, scoop, lead rope, chair, horse cookies, and a rope halter.
  • Jaxon Neilson placed third and received pepperoni treats, horse socks, horse cookies and a pail with feed snacks.

In the junior category, all three events of barrels, poles and games were won by the same individuals:

  • Shyann Lindholm, first place, received a $50 gift certificate, horse feed, thermal pants, horse sock and treats, and Krunch horse feed.
  • Jesse Beatty earned second place and received cowboy hat strings, a bucket, lead shank, utility knife, horse treats and beef sticks.
  • Savannah Neilson took third place and received a pail, a tub, horse treats, pepperoni sticks and reins.

In the senior category, barrels, poles and games,

  • Ronnie Lindholm won first place and received a $50 gift certificate, thermal pants, horse treats and Krunch horse feed.
  • Rhonda Palaniuk earned second and received a red bucket, two horse brushes, a rope halter and a horse blanket.
  • Marlene Palaniuk captured third place in barrels and poles and received a hay net and reins. Lisa Neilson won third place in the games event and a set of reins
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