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'Boarders may get new home

A Yorkton insurance business is spearheading an initiative to build a new skateboard park in the city's downtown.
A new skateboard park could be built on Brodie Avenue as part of a City redevelopment.

A Yorkton insurance business is spearheading an initiative to build a new skateboard park in the city's downtown.

Dave Nussbaumer of Farrell Agencies in Yorkton explained Aviva, one of the insurance companies they work with has a Community Fund Contest where the company distributes $1 million to projects across Canada. He added the company is one which paid out several large claims following the July 1, 2010 flood, and this would be another positive way to play a role in the community.

A portion of the funding goes to applications made through agents like Farrell Agencies, he added.

With that in mind Nussbaumer, through Farrell Agencies has applied for $150,000 through the Broker Supported Category.

"I'm a business owner that wants to see good things happen in this community. Our office has always had that philosophy," he said.

Nussbaumer said he has already been in discussion with City Council, and they are poised to match the $150,000 if the Farrell Agencies application is successful. He added the City was eager to participate in the plan.

Mayor James Wilson said deciding to participate "took no time at all." He said when someone is prepared to take the lead on a project the City has to take a close look at being involved. In the case of a new skateboard park, Wilson said when the current facility was created, it was not seen as the final solution.

"With the current skateboard park it was an interim solution," he said.

To be able to develop a "proper facility" with 50 cent dollars, should the grant be allocated, makes good sense for the City, said Wilson.

Nussbaumer said the new skateboard park would "be part of the Brodie Street redevelopment," the City is undertaking.

The street will be used primarily to construct a run-off holding pond, but a park area could be incorporated at the northern end, near Broadway Avenue.

The idea of supporting skateboarders was an easy one for Nussbaumer, who said he grew up in British Columbia and was a 'boarder himself.

"It's great collaborating with these young kids," he said, adding there is a definite need for a new facility. "What we have for a skateboard park is ancient."

Local skateboarder Tucker Chornomud said a modern facility is something local youth have wanted for some time.

"It means everything is skateboarding," he said, adding local 'boarders are limited in how far they can progress in the sport based on facility limitations.

With more opportunity to grow in the sport Chornomud said a new facility "will inspire more kids to pick up.

While the park is being termed a skateboard facility, it will be developed to allow for BMX bikes and rollerbladers, and the surrounding area will be a park for everyone's use.

Chornomud said the park would be what is termed "a skateboard plaza," design.

"It's not meant to look like a skate park," he said, adding if someone was to pass by it will look more like a park. "It will really fit in with the community. It's really green concept."

The process for being one of the projects to get funding includes an online voting process, said Nussbaumer, adding that is where Yorkton residents need to be supportive by going to the site and casting their cyber-ballots. People need to go online to vote to The local project reference number is acf11570 This allows people to go directly to the application and vote. You can vote once a day for up to 15 times.

The voting process began Oct. 3.

The voting process will pare the list of applicants down to 30.

"Then it goes to a panel of judges for the final decisions)," said Nussbaumer, adding the funding recipients will be announced Jan. 25, 2012.