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City takes over grass cutting

The City of Yorkton is taking over the cutting of grass of the soccer field on Parkland Mall property. "The Parkland Mall owns and operates a soccer field on the north side of the Mall.

The City of Yorkton is taking over the cutting of grass of the soccer field on Parkland Mall property.
"The Parkland Mall owns and operates a soccer field on the north side of the Mall.

In the past the City has provided grass cutting services on a contract basis providing revenue to the City. In recent years the Parkland Mall has not required this service from the City," detailed a report circulated to the regular meeting of Yorkton Council June 27.

"The cost to the City is between $4,000 and $5,000 and will create over-expenditure within the Parks budget," explained Darcy McLeod, Director of Community Development, Parks & Recreation.
McLeod said the field is an asset to the soccer programs in the city.

"There are currently six soccer pitches in the City. The Yorkton Regional High School has three soccer fields, Sacred Heart High School has two and the Parkland Mall operates one. The possibility of City soccer fields does not exist For the future however, planning is in the early stages and timelines," he said.

However, McLeod said the cutting could be seen as the City favouring the field.

"Providing grass-cutting services to the Parkland Mall could be seen as inequitable treatment of the soccer groups. On the other hand this could be considered a small investment to ensure adequate soccer facilities are available as the City does not have a similar facility to provide the community. If the City were to provide a similar soccer venue for the community, the resources committed to the Parkland Mall field could be re-directed for the maintenance of those fields," he said.

McLeod said the grass cutting was seen as the right way to go by the City's committee which reviewed it.

"The Community Development, Parks and Recreation Committee reviewed this request. Although Sacred Heart High School allows the use of their facility for soccer, there are soccer fields available at the Regional as well. These facilities are the responsibility of the School Divisions but are also funded by the same people that fund City facilities. The Committee is supportive of the City providing grass cutting services at the Parkland Mall in order to maintain the availability of quality soccer pitches in Yorkton until such time as alternate venues for soccer are available. They also recommend that the City contact the two School Divisions and work toward establishing joint use agreements to ensure effective and efficient community use of public facilities," he said.

Council unanimously supported the City assuming grass cutting of the field, with Councillor Richard Okrainec excusing himself from the debate and vote.