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Friendly resolutions

Many of us start a New Year by making resolutions to change for the better.

Many of us start a New Year by making resolutions to change for the better. Along with traditional resolutions such as losing weight, increasing exercise and committing to a better work-life balance, why not broaden your horizon and make a simple resolution to help make the world a better place?

The resolutions found below are easy to stick to so you can feel great and make a difference all year without breaking a sweat!

Simply read one book or magazine article on a topic that interests you such as saving the rainforests or opposing child labour practices. Next, spend an hour or two exploring internet resources about this issue. Then, look into whether there is one action step you can take to help, such as volun-teering with a local group, or perhaps writing to your local government representative for support.

I will change the world one bag at a time.

You can make a difference starting in your own community by not accepting bags when you make purchases, including the bags that are provided in the fresh produce section of the grocery store. Carry a reusable bag with you to use whenever you make a purchase.

I will try to avoid purchasing products that are packaged.

The packaging of goods not only places heavy demands on the world's natural resources but also creates large volumes of unnecessary waste. When you are shopping and have the choice between products that are heavily packaged and those that are not, consider bypassing the pre-packaged products and make packaging a consideration in your purchase decision. Or, support the large network of second-hand stores by buying gently used rather than new items so you not only get a great deal, but help to limit the amount of waste created by packaging.

I'll give more eco-friendly gifts that make a difference in the lives of people who really need it.

Designate the gift-money you received this past holiday season for the special people in your life.

Many charities have year-round catalogues containing helpful and practical gift items that help those most in need. In many cases these gifts are eco-friendly because they don't need to be wrapped or shipped and are sourced in local communities around the globe.