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Golf tournament a hit

Despite the weather man, Bredenbury Golf Course 'Night Golf Tournament' was a successful event. Forty-five avid golfers took part. A delicious supper was served to 75 people after the first round of golf. Thanks to all who helped with the supper.

Despite the weather man, Bredenbury Golf Course 'Night Golf Tournament' was a successful event. Forty-five avid golfers took part.

A delicious supper was served to 75 people after the first round of golf. Thanks to all who helped with the supper.

A $1000 raffle was won by Michelle Campbell of Bredenbury. Winners of the raffle prizes: Golf Bag - Jean Thorsness; Deer Park Golf Passes - Dan Badowich; Lawn Chair - Tanner Burman.

Special thanks to all who helped in any way to make this a successful event. Also thanks to those who donated prizes for all the events.

Don't forget the last wind up tournament for the season for the Membership.

Jim and Ann Purves went to Hillsprings, Alberta to the Great Canadian Sqaure Dance. They stopped at Medicine Hat on the way and visited with relatives.

Shirley Kirkwood motored to Delaraine, Manitoba to visit her sister Alice Woodridge and her nephew Theo Wilson over the past week.

Visiting with Walter Brenner were his daughter Judy & Bruce Smith of Regina for the day.

Kathy & grant Jacob and boys spent the weekend in Brandon where Colby played hockey.