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Plan literacy time

Parents - do you want to help your children improve their literacy skills, but find it difficult to engage them? Make literacy fun! Literacy is more than reading and writing - there are so many fun games that you can play together as a family to help

Parents - do you want to help your children improve their literacy skills, but find it difficult to engage them? Make literacy fun! Literacy is more than reading and writing - there are so many fun games that you can play together as a family to help everyone improve their skills, and spend quality time together!

Family Literacy Day is an annual initiative that takes place on January 27 to encourage families to learn together all year round. The theme this year is Play for Literacy. Playing games creates a strong family bond, promotes language comprehension and improves reading skills.

Play with your family on Family Literacy day to encourage a love for learning. ABC Life Literacy Canada and the Centre for Family Literacy offer these fun play-based literacy activities that the whole family will enjoy:

Host a family game night where everyone is encouraged to read instructions, actively participate and keep score. Invite another family over for a friendly competition!

Driving in the car doesn't have to be boring. Turn off the radio and play fun games involving signs, billboards and licence plates.

Play an active game such as 'Simon Says', which improves comprehension skills. Open a book and make up a story using just the pictures.

Follow a recipe to make a batch of cookies. Not only will it help improve math skills but there's also a yummy treat at the end!

Card games like 'Go Fish' help children learn to articulate sounds and improve memory development. Have a scavenger hunt! Give your kids a list of items that have been hidden around the house and ask them to find them.

Join us in a nation-wide game as we try to turn Canada orange for Family Literacy Day! With a new interactive events tracking map online at, each of Canada's 10 provinces and three territories will see their orange colouring intensify as the number of events registered increases. Ontario is in the lead but you can register your event or family activity and help your province win!

Submissions received prior to January 14, 2011 will be automatically entered to win a Family Literacy Day Hasbro prize pack.

For more information on Family Literacy Day, visit