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Portraits of Honour tour coming to Yorkton

On August 23, Yorkton will be a stop on the coast-to-coast tour of a unique monument to Canada's fallen soldiers.
Submitted photo Artist Dave Sopha works on the Portraits of Honour mural: a tribute to Canada's deceased soldiers that is coming to Yorkton on August 23.

On August 23, Yorkton will be a stop on the coast-to-coast tour of a unique monument to Canada's fallen soldiers.

The centerpiece of the Portraits of Honour National Tour, a fundraiser organized by Kin Canada, is a 10' x 40' oil painted mural featuring the faces of all 157 Canadian military personnel killed in Afghanistan. It is an ongoing project by Canadian artist and Kinsmen member Dave Sopha.

Yorkton is one of 140 stops on the six-month tour, through which Kin Canada hopes to raise $1.5 million for the Military Families Fund and other military charities.

"Basically, it's Kins doing what Kins do: serving the community's greatest needs," says Yorkton Kinsmen Past President Lawrence Klemetski. "This time, we're serving those who served Canada, and gave their efforts and their lives for us."

Two major events will be part of the Yorkton stop: a 10 am to 2 pm barbecue at Western Financial Downtown Park, and an "Honour the Troops Evening" at the Gallagher Centre. The latter begins at 6 pm and includes food, cocktails, a silent auction, and a formal program featuring military veterans and the mural's artist. Tickets are $50.

The local Kinsmen and Kinettes are hoping to raise $25,000 in Yorkton.

"We would like to see as many people come out as they can. These young men and women have given their lives for Canada, and we want to give back to them," says Klemetski.

The Kin clubs have a history of supporting military causes. Most famously, the Kinsmen spearheaded the "Milk for Britain" campaign to raise money to buy powdered milk for the children of Britain during World War II.

Locally, the Kinsmen and Kinettes helped Yorkton's Royal Canadian Legion obtain its portable cenotaph, among other causes.

Klemetski invites everyone out on August 23 to support the Military Families Fund, meet the artist, and view the Portraits of Honour mural.

"It's something to see. It will probably leave you quite breathless, I've been told."

More information is available at and