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Potluck enjoyed

Violet (Ogren) Hubick of Regina has notified us that John Davies of Welland, ON passed away on Feb 7, 2011. He was a resident in a nursing home at the time of his passing. He is survived by his wife, Delight (Dee), 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren.

Violet (Ogren) Hubick of Regina has notified us that John Davies of Welland, ON passed away on Feb 7, 2011. He was a resident in a nursing home at the time of his passing. He is survived by his wife, Delight (Dee), 2 daughters and 2 grandchildren. Sympathy of the community also goes to his aunt, Mary (Ellis) Ramstead. John was the younger brother of the late Robert (Bob) Davies. The Davis family was originally from Waldron area and then later, Bangor. Percy and Anne Sharpe, Violet's uncle & aunt, live in Welland and were good friends of the Davies'.

The monthly community potluck supper was held on Feb. 9 & was enjoyed by those that braved the cool winter evening. Joe Kaczur was the pot of gold winner. Nina Moller won the door prize. The potlucks are for all those that would like to take part in a social evening with lots of good food. They are held on the second Wednesday of the month at the Hut. The next one will be March 9 - see you there. Sharon Clark motored to Saskatoon last week to visit with son, Vincent. While in the city, she stayed with Chrissie, Pete and their family and was also able to spend some time with Stacey, Lana and family of Clavet.

Her granddaughter, Desiree, competed in the bowling playoffs and will be in Regina in March to represent her club at the provincials. Good job, Desiree!

Audrey & Peter Neilsen spent a couple days at Watrous last week enjoying the Mineral Spa.Irene and Murray Bawden have returned from a week in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. They report having had a very relaxing, enjoyable breakaway.

Get well wishes to Vivian Talbot who is at home recuperating from surgery on Feb. 10.

Sympathy from the community goes out to Brent Farkes on the recent passing of his grandmother, Lucy Muzyka, in Melville.

The Valley View Wildlife Federation is up and running. At a recent meeting held in Dubuc at the Hut, a new slate of executive took office: President, James Chewka; Vice-President, Davin Banga; Membership Chair, Adam Gilchuk; Fisheries, Riley Woytas and members at large. This meeting was followed by another meeting in Stockholm on Feb. 15. The next meeting is to be held in Stockholm on March 8, 2011. Anyone interested can get more info by contacting the above mentioned persons.

Norman Johnson accompanied daughter, Jackie, when she returned to her studies in Regina. He visited his sister, Laurein, returning home the following day.

The community was saddened to hear of the passing of Joanne Lyn (Joanna) Johnson of Swift Current on Feb. 7, 2011 at the age of 41 years. Our sincere condolences go to her father, Ervin Johnson, and the extended Johnson family relatives. Joanna is survived by son, Christopher (Rachelle) Shillingford, Joshua, Lucas & Nicholas from Prince Albert; daughter, Amanda; son, Addam; daughter, Caleigh, all of Swift Current and brother, Randy and Laura Johnson, Andrew & Leneigh of Winnipeg. A Celebration of Life Service was held Friday, Feb. 11 in Swift Current with her brother, Randy, presenting the eulogy.