Summer is here, and the staff at Good Spirit Acres hoped that everyone enjoyed their Canada Day celebrations. There was a craft/market day sale at Spilchen Meadows on July 1 and a couple of garage sales, so the staff encourages visitors to look for garage sales on weekends throughout the summer.
The golf course is in very good shape, and the cart paths have been smoothed out, thanks to a donation of gravel from Dean Wilson of Buddwill Enterprises.
Residents and visitors are happy to see that Putters Restaurant at the Golf Course is open every day. The restaurant has been very busy holding showings of the Rider games and other sporting events.
The golf course will be holding events throughout the summer. Seniors, women & men golf will be every Tuesday and Thursday. Staff encourages golfers to come early to have a visit and enter to be on a team.
Men's Night goes every Monday, and beverages and dinner are available. Please call the clubhouse to register.
Women’s golf is every second Thursday, and couples golf every Friday. Supper follows after each event.
To enter to golf with any of these groups or for other information, customers may contact the pro-shop.
The staff would like to thank Don Thompson, who has resigned from the hamlet board council. He served 10 years in office, kept the minutes and finances in excellent shape, and gave concise and newsworthy reports of Hamlet Board Council business for the newsletter every month.
Since Don Thompson has resigned his position effective July 1, a by election will be called for mid-August to fill the remainder of his three-year term. Information will be posted at the store, John McDonald, the chairman of the hamlet board council, said.
The Community Association Toilet Seat Tournament will be held in September, said Lynn McDonald, the president of the hamlet board council. Gilda Walls or Barb Coleridge can be contacted in regards to the event. A potluck supper will follow at Spilchen Meadows Park.
There is a new bench and two trees planted at the park, in memory of Nyle James, who passed away last fall. The community association members are planning to install new windows for the camp kitchen which will also be placed in memory of James, who was a great volunteer in the Good Spirit Acres community.
Shuffleboard games will not be available at Spilchen Meadows until new shuffle sticks are ordered to replace old ones.
Good Spirit Market will be open every day of the week in summer. It is fully stocked with ice cream, lottery tickets, clothing and candy. Customers may also purchase gasoline or propane. The management of the store say they look forward to seeing everyone this summer.