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Outlook Town Council News & Notes - September 25

The town council of Outlook met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday night, September 25.

The town council of Outlook met for a regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday night, September 25.  Present was all of council; Donna Smith, Kevin Grotheim, Kyle McLeod, Maureen Applin, Floyd Childerhose, and David Simonson, as well as Mayor Ross Derdall, Acting Administrator Rachel Sillers, Public Works Coordinator Bonnie Pshyk, and Recreation Director Jordy Jones.

Absent was Superintendent of Municipal Operations Luke Lockhart.

A number of topics and items were discussed, including the following highlights.


Dana Skoropad, a politician seeking the Saskatchewan Party nomination in the Arm River riding, was present to get to know local officials in the largest community in the riding area, as well as tell them a little about himself and his beliefs/goals should he win the nomination.

Skoropad, from the family farm a few miles south of Chamberlain, said he believes in “reducing barriers” as it relates to economic growth and he doesn’t want to see people leave the province over “lack of opportunity”.  Dana said he wants to be the voice for issues facing Outlook to take to the provincial government, and he made a promise that should he win the nomination and be in a position to serve the riding, he will sit in on a town council meeting at least once a year.

“I won’t know what every department is doing, so I need to know those things and have you tell me what’s happening here!” he said.

Skoropad asked council what challenges were facing the Town of Outlook, and one big topic was roads.

“Everything big comes through here,” it was said, citing the heavy-haul traffic pounding down on roads, with little to no satisfactory help from the Ministry of Highways on an amicable solution, according to the Town.

Council thanked Skoropad for sitting in and talking to them, noting that he’s the first provincial political figure to visit and sit in on a council meeting.

Old Business/Business Arising from the Minutes

A Bylaw Enforcement Officer can be provided to Outlook after contact was made to a Commissionaires branch.  The cost for services would be approximately $52.75 per hour, and council surmised that one day a week would be sufficient for now.  Council decided to move forward on something of a trial basis for the time being in order to see if it works for the Town’s needs.

Two separate resolutions were needed for the east and west corridors related to the sign corridor request by the Outlook & District Chamber of Commerce to explore extending the sign corridor on each end.


Jordy will be attending the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Conference in North Battleford from October 16-19, which will include results on how the community fared in the Communities in Bloom ranking competition.  Look for that news in an upcoming issue.

A motion was made and carried to reimburse a Rec Plex employee for $75 after having a Criminal Record Check done.

A motion was made and carried to purchase a pair of signs at a cost of approximately $1200 for directing the public and traffic to the Jim Kook Rec Plex.  There’s a feeling that the signs directing people to the “Outlook Rink” are too generic.  The Recreation Committee believes there’s an opportunity to better promote the location as it’s growing with new amenities such as the Van Raay and Community Swimming Pool, as well as increased activity at the ball diamonds in the summer.

Public Works/Transportation

A motion was made and carried to purchase six fire hydrants and have one of them installed this fall.

New Business

A motion was made and carried to contract Titan Clean Energy Projects based in Craik for an estimated 23,000 cubic meters of tree chipping that needs to be done.

A letter will be sent regarding a Tax Penalty Cancellation Request related to Lots 7 & 8, Block 17, Plan T6729 and Lots 17 & 18, Block 16, Plan T6729.

Council declined a Request for Tax Abatement related to Lots 24 & 25, Block 9, Plan T6729, will send a letter.

Public Meeting Update

Question forms are available at the town office for those wishing to have questions/concerns addressed at the upcoming public town meeting on Thursday, October 17 at the Outlook Civic Centre.  As well, Mayor Derdall noted that Laurie Tollefson will serve as Moderator again, which he did at the previous public meeting held in January of this year.

Council moved to in-camera talks after accepting the correspondence.  The following items were listed on the in-camera agenda:

  • Personnel
  • Strategic Planning
  • Land
  • Legal