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STARS Air Ambulance brings mobile education unit to Canora

STARS Air Ambulance is known for providing a safe and rapid life-saving transport system for the critically ill and injured in Saskatchewan.

            STARS Air Ambulance is known for providing a safe and rapid life-saving transport system for the critically ill and injured in Saskatchewan. A critical component of this life-saving system is the care provided to these patients at their hospital destinations, said STARS flight nurse Cathie Drackett.

            Drackett and Denise Treleaven, flight nurse and lead instructor, brought the STARS mobile education unit to Canora on May 8 to give Canora Hospital staff instruction and practise in dealing with various medical scenarios which they may not otherwise experience as often as they would like.

            Drackett said they usually meet with physicians, nurses and paramedics for the instruction sessions, utilizing a mannequin affectionately known as Stan. Stan makes heart and lung sounds and also has vital signs, thereby simulating a real patient.

            The mobile education unit seen in Canora visits communities served by STARS across southern Saskatchewan. Medical staff are encouraged to take the course, but are asked to sign up ahead of time to indicate how many will be participating, said Drackett. Interest has been strong, as staff seem to enjoy getting the extra practise provided by the simulation.

            Taking part in one of the Canora Hospital groups were nurses Megan Walker, Donna McCormick and Lisa Prokopetz.

            The mobile education unit is essentially a modified RV, equipped on the inside with everything one would find in most hospital emergency departments, Drackett said. This includes IV’s, airway and breathing supplies, and monitors.

            Not only does the mobile education unit provide important instruction and practise, it also allows STARS staff to get to know hospital staff and develop relationships in a relaxed, non-critical environment, she said. It gives them a good idea how staff work in different hospitals, as well as what resources are available to them.