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Subdivision gets green light

An application to subdivide 133 Lawrence Avenue into three residential lots was approved by Yorkton Council Monday. There is an existing dwelling that would remain on a single lot fronting Lawrence Avenue.

An application to subdivide 133 Lawrence Avenue into three residential lots was approved by Yorkton Council Monday.

There is an existing dwelling that would remain on a single lot fronting Lawrence Avenue. Two vacant lots would be created along Gordon Avenue, allowing for future construction of two additional dwellings, Michael Eger Director of Planning, Building & Development with the City told Council.

“The property exists as part of a former country residential development known as the Harris Subdivision, which was created when the lands were under the jurisdiction of the R.M. of Orkney. Since the lands have been incorporated into the City (in the mid-1980s), there has been only modest infill housing development within,” detailed a report circulated to Council.

“Further development of the Harris Subdivision is primarily impeded by serviceability and associated costs. The gravel road network is under-designed for urban traffic volumes and generates recurring complaints over dust and roughness. The existing drainage network is also under-designed, as many residents incur localized flooding,” said Eger.

“Additionally, not all subdivided properties are in proximity to City water and sewer mains and are essentially undevelopable in their current state.”

The application was reviewed in this context, and Administration is satisfied that this application will not adversely affect City infrastructure or neighbouring property owners, noted Eger.

The City will recoup any costs in might incur, said Eger.

“The applicant has entered into a Servicing Agreement with the City. This Agreement stipulates that Development Levies will be due for each of the lots on Gordon Avenue at time of future Building Permit, and that the applicant will be responsible for all costs associated with City services and lot grading. This Agreement will be registered on all new titles to ensure future buyers are aware of obligations prior to purchase,” he said.