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Making less of a carbon print is easier than expected

While many things from the past made life much better we are now finding there is a negative effect associated with them. When early settlers came to Canada in the late 1800s and early 1900s much development took place.

            While many things from the past made life much better we are now finding there is a negative effect associated with them. When early settlers came to Canada in the late 1800s and early 1900s much development took place. They faced the challenge of providing shelter for themselves and animals they owned. Clearing land was an enormous task without all the present day machinery but they found a way to do it to provide food.  In wooded areas fuel was obtained from the trees and later supplemented with coal. Still later, natural gas, propane and oil became important and were cleaner to use.

           How things can change! Now these early lifestyles are found to have caused a extensive carbon footprint. This terminology was unheard of until many years later. So what can be done, at the present time, to lessen the footprint? We may start in our homes.

             At the present time encouragement is given to purchase energy-efficient appliances. A simple thing such as turning off lights when not in use will cut down electrical use. Watch the usage of water whether showering, bathing, washing clothes or brushing teeth. It has been related that more water is used brushing teeth than what is used in a day in some countries.

            Unplugging appliances when not in use so they are not draining electricity is another way to be energy-efficient. This does not mean large ones such as a fridge or stove but many of the smaller ones gracing our homes.

            There is a saying that draws to the attention of this footprint: ‘leave the house less and eat at home more.’ This would entail buying groceries closer to home, perhaps having a garden and combining trips where several errands could be accomplished at the same time. Furthermore, having a vehicle that is well maintained does help with carbon footprints; however, soon an electric car may be in the driveway.

            A lot of the results will depend on plain common sense prevailing in our decisions. Think about it!