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Photo albums chronicle the changes of a lifetime

A trip down memory lane was taken recently while I was straightening a drawer with many photos of family and friends waiting to be put in albums. A job that was intended for an hour or two took up the major part of the day.

A trip down memory lane was taken recently while I was straightening a drawer with many photos of family and friends waiting to be put in albums. A job that was intended for an hour or two took up the major part of the day. The photos had to be sorted and some had to be culled.  

Memories from past visits where distance and contact was limited came to mind. As one thing led to another, soon the completed photo albums came out, and I was taken down to a different time and place. There were the carefree days of being a young child growing up on the farm, on to school days in the country followed by high school where leaving home was necessary. Then further education beckoned, including business college, teachers’ college and university. 

Many people entered my life in these different stages. The pictures in the photo albums brought back memories of them, but left me wondering what later life was like.              Individuals came into my life briefly, but different paths were taken and the time together came to an end as we scattered across the province and beyond. Where are they now? Are they still alive? I’m just wondering!

The journey continued with the teaching days, married life, and juggling being married to a farmer while teaching. I became a mother and later, a grandmother. Leafing through the pages brought many incidents to mind, long forgotten but relived again.

            Other pictures of family members showed the gradual change as the years crept on. Even pictures of myself made me marvel at the changes from hairdo to eyeglasses to clothes worn.

 Just how many people entered my life is a question I will never know, but each person touched me in some way. I hope I left an impression with each one. It’s something to think about. Do you ever wonder about anyone you met in your lifetime?