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Sunny Side Up - What the world needs for Christmas

What the world needs now, this exquisitely created, heartbroken and bleeding world, isn’t more Christmas spirit. Not even year-round Christmas traditions could fix us. I enjoy them too, but I’m not fooled.

What the world needs now, this exquisitely created, heartbroken and bleeding world, isn’t more Christmas spirit. Not even year-round Christmas traditions could fix us.

I enjoy them too, but I’m not fooled. We need something far more than tradition, toys, tinsel or treats. At Christmas (and every day) we need what can’t be placed under a tree. We need the Saviour the angels announced to the shepherds  on that long ago, holy night. God’s Son, Jesus Christ, the priceless Treasure of the Ages. The Lamb of God who would die – hanging on a tree – for love of us.

The Old Testament records over 300 prophecies about a coming Messiah, issued in the thousand years before Jesus’ birth. He fulfilled them all. As the final sacrifice for sin, his death and subsequent resurrection made the unthinkable possible – it hewed the only sure path to peace with God for people like you and me – but also for the people we may feel justified in hating. The whosoevers. Think of the worst you can imagine and stick in their name right there.

Anyone can enjoy the intoxicating traditions of Christmas, though they mean little without Jesus. Subtract those same traditions from a Christ-follower, and we still have everything that matters. The Glory Halleluiahs. Our Saviour, born to set us free. Eternal hope. And we have our own stories of faith. Of darkness made light. Of new purpose in life, transformed habits and altered destinies.

Satan has no problem with Christmas joviality. I don’t think he even minds the nativity sets on the mantle or in the town square or churchyard. What he doesn’t want people to believe is that behind the baby Jesus in the manger lay a Heavenly Throne. That ahead of him lay a cross. That after the cross came resurrection. That following the resurrection would come ascension; that after the ascension will come a Second Coming, and after the Second Coming will come a judgment. And he especially doesn’t want people to know that only those who believe in Christ “will not perish, but have everlasting life.” (Jn 3:16)

As is his pattern, Satan tells only partial truths. He knows we like those better. They’re more politically correct.

The Bible has other names for Jesus Christ. They include: Only Begotten of the Father. Lamb of God. Indescribable Gift. Wonderful. Counsellor. Mighty God. Everlasting Father. Burden Bearer. Prince of Peace. Light of the World. Redeemer. Rock of Ages. Deliverer. Provider. Healer. Faithful and True. Emmanuel. Hope of Glory. King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Almost every carol sing includes the exuberant Joy to the World. “He comes to make his blessings known, far as the curse is found….” Those who really believe that have no reason to be paralyzed by the fear of death (or terrorists, or refugees – or icy Saskatchewan roads.)

Joy to you, each reader and friend! Savour the beauty and hold your loved ones close. Just don’t bury the Treasure under the traditions.