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Small claims court limit rises to $50,000

Improved flexibility and access to justice.
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“This increase to $50,000 in claimable damages will help more Saskatchewan people resolve certain civil disputes in a quick and cost-effective manner,” The Canadian Bar Association, Saskatchewan Branch president Steven Dribnenki said.

REGINA — The monetary limit for claims that can proceed through the Provincial (Small Claims) Court has been increased from $30,000 to $50,000. 

New regulations, which formally take effect on April 1,2024, will make Saskatchewan’s small claims limit the second-highest in Canada, according to a government press release.

“This increase to $50,000 in claimable damages will help more Saskatchewan people resolve certain civil disputes in a quick and cost-effective manner,” The Canadian Bar Association, Saskatchewan Branch president Steven Dribnenki said. “This will help improve access to justice.”

Plaintiffs with claims under the new $50,000 limit may still choose to bring their matter before the Court of King’s Bench. If a claim exceeds the monetary limit, plaintiffs will also have the option to waive the excess amount and still proceed through small claims court.​

“The Regina and Region Home Builders’ Association supports the decision to increase the small claims court monetary limit to $50,000," Regina and Region Home Builders’ Association president and CEO Stu Neibergall said.

"Elevating the cap to $50,000 not only reflects the evolving economic landscape, but also provides a more accessible avenue for parties involved in construction disputes to seek timely and cost-effective resolution, contributing to a more robust and trustworthy housing industry.”​

The small claims limit was last increased in 2016, following a Ministry of Justice review of the process.

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