THE BATTLEFORDS — Producers made significant harvest progress within the region over the past week despite scattered rainfall. Harvest currently sits at 49 per cent complete which is up from the 19 per cent reported last week. This is ahead of the five-year average of 27 per cent and the 10-year average of 24 per cent. As producers continue with harvest, they are also busy with baling straw, hauling bales and swathing and desiccating some of the later seeded crops.
Harvest progress by crop is variable throughout the region. Winter cereal harvest is complete within the region. Lentil and field pea harvest are nearing completion with 98 per cent harvested and 95 per cent harvested, respectively. Sixty-six per cent of spring wheat is harvested, barley is 63 per cent harvested and oats are 49 per cent harvested.
For oilseed crops, flax is reported to be 30 per cent harvested and canola is 17 per cent harvested. Harvest percentages reported include crop harvested as feed.
Within the region, many producers indicate reduced quality due to lighter bushel weights and smaller seed size for various crops. Pea grades are reported to be 80 per cent at 2 CAN with 12 per cent at 1 CAN and eight per cent at 3 CAN. Lentil grades are mainly 2 CAN at 64 per cent with 25 per cent at 1 CAN and six per cent at 3 CAN. No reports on durum quality were provided. Quality for barley is reported at four per cent malt, 64 per cent 1 CW and 32 per cent 2 CW/sample.
Rain was scattered throughout the region over the past week. The highest amount was reported in the Meadow Lake area at 16 mm followed by the North Battleford area at 10 mm. All other areas received less than six mm of rainfall over the past week with some areas receiving no precipitation.
Topsoil moisture declined over the past week. Currently, cropland topsoil moisture is rated 22 per cent adequate, 50 per cent short and 28 per cent very short. Hayland is rated as 16 per cent adequate, 45 per cent short and 39 per cent very short. Pasture topsoil moisture is rated as 15 per cent adequate, 44 per cent short and 41 per cent very short. Producers are hopeful for precipitation following harvest to help replenish soil moisture levels and improve pasture conditions within the region.
Over the past week, minor crop damage was mainly due to wind along with migratory birds and other wildlife. Producers also indicated that grasshoppers caused moderate damage in some isolated areas of the region.
For more information about Northwestern Saskatchewan, explore the Crop Report Dashboard.
Northwest Saskatchewan |
Census Division |
Per cent Harvested |
16 |
47 |
17 |
52 |
Region Average |
49 |