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Battlefords Wildlife Federation launches family days and day camps

Parents looking for an activity for their children on the weekend have one more option, as the Battlefords Wildlife Federation has launched two new initiatives for local children.

Parents looking for an activity for their children on the weekend have one more option, as the Battlefords Wildlife Federation has launched two new initiatives for local children.

The organization will host three family days: July 14 and 28, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Aug. 11 from 6 to 11 p.m. Each day will have a theme. July 14th's will be "Birds in Your Backyard," the 28th's will be "Mammals on my Mind," and the Aug. 11 family day, in fitting with its later hours, will be "Nature at Night."

Each day will be self-guided, with a wide variety of games spread across different "stations." Tours of the nature centre will also be available, and participants are encouraged to see the information panels spread through the hills that the organization has set up.

The BWF has also created a new day camp that will take place July 19. For $5, children will be able to take part in activities and crafts at the facility, snacking on hot dogs and cupcakes that have been supplied by a sponsor. Parents are advised to register their children beforehand, as there are a limited number of slots available.

For more information about the family day activities or the day camp, contact the BWF by phone at 445-2433 or by email at