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Fire department warns about carbon monoxide

North Battleford Fire and Emergency Services is warning residents to guard against the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.

North Battleford Fire and Emergency Services is warning residents to guard against the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning.

In a media release, fire chief Pat MacIsaac urges the public to purchase carbon monoxide alarms to protect against incidents where dangerous levels of CO could build up.

"Families today are better at understanding the importance of having working smoke alarms in every sleeping area, but what about carbon monoxide alarms?" MacIsaac asks in a statement.

"Carbon monoxide is dangerous because it is odorless, invisible, and it can kill. CO can make a child seriously ill in small doses that might not noticeably affect an adult."

Winter and the holiday season are particular times for concern because of the amount of fuel-burning appliances being used in homes. Ovens, space heaters, generators, indoor grills and fireplaces all could cause dangerous levels of carbon monoxide to build up.

The fire department is offering these tips to protect against carbon monoxide poisoning:

prevent CO buildup by ensuring heating appliances are in good working order and used only in well-ventilated areas;

do not run a vehicle engine in the garage, not even to warm it up. Move it outside first;

install a CO alarm outside every sleeping area, on every level of your home and at least 15 feet away from every fuel-burning appliance;

when you check your smoke alarm batteries each month, check the batteries on your CO alarms at the same time, and replace the batteries twice a year;

never use a stove for heating;

have all gas, oil or coal burning appliances inspected by a technician every year to make sure they are properly ventilated and working correctly;

if you suspect a CO leak, open windows to allow fresh air into the home. If someone who has been in a poorly-ventilated room with a fuel-buring appliance exhibits symptoms including headache, fatigue, nausea, vomiting or confusion, move the victim to fresh air and call 911;

If more than one person in the home suddenly feels ill for no apparent reason or if a carbon monoxide alarm goes off, get everyone outside immediately and call 911 from a pre-arranged meeting place.

MacIsaac says carbon monoxide alarms are available at hardware stores for around $20 and that it is a small price to pay to help detect odorless, poisonous gases in the home before it is too late.