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Slippery roads a concern at council

The slippery condition of some North Battleford roads during this harsh winter was a major topic of discussion at Monday's city council meeting.

The slippery condition of some North Battleford roads during this harsh winter was a major topic of discussion at Monday's city council meeting.

At the meeting, Councillor Cathy Richardson noted concern about the road drop off at Territorial Drive at a curve located between Scott Drive and Clements Drive in front of the Territorial Alliance Church.

The concerns come in the wake of the most recent snowfalls that created some hazardous driving conditions at that particular curve. Richardson noted one of her colleagues from work had hit a lip in the road that had a steep drop off, and the driver over-corrected and almost ended up in the ditch Thursday.

Richardson also noted that a few more cars actually did end up in that ditch that day, plus a couple more on Friday and an overturned truck Sunday.

"I think we need to do something about that stretch of road," Richardson said.

She also voiced some concern about another dip in the road at the eastern direction of Territorial at the curb going to Douglas Avenue.

Councillor Don Buglas said he had noticed the Sunday truck incident that Richardson referred to. "I was there a moment or so after that truck flipped yesterday," he said.

He also noted another incident coming back afterwards on the corner next to the road that headed north to the Rustic Nine golf course. Buglas told council a vehicle had slipped at that drop off right into head on traffic and "just missed it," he said, ending up in a ditch on the far side.

"We definitely need to do something about that," said Buglas, who also noted there was a significant drop off coming from the CUPlex area, heading west in the north lane.

Richardson asked if there was some way to put signs up or perhaps reduce speed. She also asked who is responsible for that stretch of Territorial Drive, the city or the provincial highways department.

Public works director Stewart Schafer noted the responsibility for snow removal for Territorial was with the province under the provincial Urban Connectors Program. He also believes the signs were their responsibility as well, but pledged to check into the requests.

City communications and marketing co-ordinator Mike Halstead told reporters following the meeting, the City would check with the Department of Highways to see who is responsible for the road, and then "get some signs up or whatever we need to do to make it a better place to drive, an easier place."