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Speers raises $4,000 for PWOS

In early January, Rick Zipchen brought it to the attention of the Speers community that the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles would be passing by Feb. 7 on their way to North Battleford.
Speers Mayor Ken Rebeyka and Rick Zipchen present Carol McKnight of the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles with a donation of $4,000 from Speers and district community members.

In early January, Rick Zipchen brought it to the attention of the Speers community that the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles would be passing by Feb. 7 on their way to North Battleford.

Three ladies, each with a personal breast cancer survivor story, decided the community could host a fundraising event and make a donation to the ride.

Bev Foster, Sally Nicholson and Anita Rebeyka started making phone calls and soon had support from the village, the RM and local businesses. Community members stepped forward to help make perogies and served them at a supper and dance held Feb. 1 at the Speers Recrecration Centre. The supper had been planned for 150 people so when 160 people came the committee was thrilled. After supper, the crowd was entertained by Norm and the Golden Aces and many couples took advantage of the dance music.

Feb. 7 the Prairie Women on Snowmobiles made a quick stop in front of the Zipstop Inn to accept a donation of $4,000 from the Speers and district community members. Bev, Sally and Anita each received a survivor pin from the riders and many congratulations on a well-done event.

The fundraising success was due to the sponsorship of Village of Speers, the RM of Douglas, the Zipstop Inn, the Oasis Care Home, KARE Ag Services, Agriteam Services, the Speers Senior Citizens and the Royal Canadian Legion No. 116.