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Spring clean-up Saturday

You can expect to see platoons of volunteers throughout North Battleford cleaning up the city again this May Four the fourth year in a row the Battlefords United Way will be holding a Spring Clean Up Day. It runs from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 5.

You can expect to see platoons of volunteers throughout North Battleford cleaning up the city again this May

Four the fourth year in a row the Battlefords United Way will be holding a Spring Clean Up Day. It runs from 1 to 4 p.m. Saturday, May 5.

The event is co-sponsored by Tim Hortons, Sobeys and the City of North Battleford. This year North Battleford Communities in Bloom has joined the United Way in partnership of the event.

Communities in Bloom is using the Spring Clean Up Day as a launch for North Battleford's efforts in the Communities in Bloom competition. The judging takes place later on in the year and the committee hopes to build upon the "four blooms" performance of a year ago.

The plan for the Clean Up Day is for all participants to meet at the Tim Hortons location in the city's north end, located at the corner of Territorial Drive and 100th Street.

It's expected Mayor Ian Hamilton will be there for the opening, as well as Fire Chief Pat MacIsaac.

All participants are to meet there by 1 p.m. May 5 for instructions and clean-up location assignments. According to Battlefords United Way Executive Director Mira Laprell-Elliott they hope to have volunteers assigned to all areas of the city.

"We have 22 routes in the city that we hope to fill," said Laprell-Elliott, "and we'll assign people on routes, give them safety gloves and the garbage bags, and then they go on their way to their route."

There will be a light snack and refreshments provided at the event launch, with Tim Hortons providing cookies and coffee at that location. A white tent will be set up for registration.

Volunteers should be easily identifiable throughout the community in the afternoon as they will be wearing t-shirts provided to them before they head out to clean up the city. Safety vests will also be supplied.

At 4 p.m., everyone will return to the Tim Hortons location to take part in prize draws. There won't be a barbecue this year, unfortunately, due to renovations at Sobeys.

It's expected there will be another good turnout of volunteers. Laprell-Elliott says the Battlefords Boys and Girls Club is already committed to bringing a group of volunteers, and other partners have expressed interest as well.

"We've had a lot of community support in the past and we hope for more this year," she said.

The organizers also hope the weather will co-operate as well, as past years have seen rain and even snow on one occasion. Participants are encouraged to wear appropriate clothing for the weather.

Anyone seeking more information can contact the Battlefords United Way office at 445-1717.