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Blaine Lake Skate Club performs Disney on ice

The Blaine Lake Skate Club held its end-of-season skating show March 4 at the Blaine Lake skating arena with skaters from Leask, Marcelin and Blaine Lake.
The Blaine Lake Skate Club pre-pre-beginner skaters included (not necessarily in order) Sara Verbonac, Maddison Nelson, Kayden Pambrun, Mara Wakentin and Brooklyn Greyeyes.

The Blaine Lake Skate Club held its end-of-season skating show March 4 at the Blaine Lake skating arena with skaters from Leask, Marcelin and Blaine Lake. Despite the warm weather, the ice was ideal for the little skaters to demonstrate their skating skills learnt over the season. The carnival was the highlight of the year for both the skaters and spectators.

Chloe Woytiuk opened the program with the singing of O Canada. The next 11 items on the program consisted of Disney character themed demonstrations of skating skills from the pre-pre-beginners to the novice skater in attendance. It was an opportunity for the skaters to showcase their balance, footwork, starting, stopping, turning and skating backwards skills. Every performer did a remarkable job and, despite a few fall-downs, always persevered with a huge smile and wave to the crowd. Incredible job!

The aspiring young skaters in the club were Brooklyn Greyeyes, Mara Warkentin, Sara Verbonac, Maddison Nelson, Kayden Pambrun, Joyah Hunchak, Emma Sutherland, Anna Sherstobetoff, Quenton Pambrun, Mckenna Bowie, Wyatt Gauthier, Meeka Balla, Justin Scarrow, Noah Verbonac, Judah Balla, Kooper Gauthier, Chloe Woytiuk, Iyanna Boissenau, Hayden Sanchez, Lauren Fiala, Meela Riben, Zoie Sherstobetoff, Gavin Naharney, Desmond Kasper, Tristain Kasper, Emerson Pambrun, Mulaina Boissenau, Austin Sherstobetoff and Kathryn Naharney. Instructor was Christine Dargin-Linsley who presented each skater with a rose following the program. Christie received a gift from the students as well.

Both the skating lessons and this end-of-season event allowed the local youth to experience skating and learn the basics in a fun-filled environment. Acknowledgement was made to the many volunteers, parents and caregivers who support the efforts of the organization.