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A time for new life to spring up

How was your week? Hopefully good. If not, I really hope you have a better one this week. It rained at last, but it probably wasn't nearly enough for the farmers. It is a start. I admire farmers.

How was your week? Hopefully good. If not, I really hope you have a better one this week.

It rained at last, but it probably wasn't nearly enough for the farmers. It is a start.

I admire farmers. I am sure I wouldn't have the patience they do, having to rely on the weather for their livelihood. Where would we be without them? I am sure we all ask ourselves that question from time to time. Most of the farmers I know seem to be happy and content most of the time. I guess it is rewarding working the land.

This is such an exciting time of year. The grass is beginning to green up, some bulbs try to raise their heads, there are new births in the fields. In fact just about everywhere there is new life.

I love looking around the stores at the plants growing so enthusiastically. The problem is I get carried away and randomly put plants into the cart forgetting the price is mounting each time I choose one.

Soon it will be time for us to go for our usual walk through the nurseries and be welcomed with a colourful array of vibrant blooms shouting at us "pick me, pick me." Then we think of our dreary yards at home waiting for us to get busy and prepare the soil for the new life to come.

It will be worth it all and, like the farmers, I'm sure we will find it rewarding.