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Elections are decided by those who vote

Story:Dear Editor Many Canadians will quite reasonably ask what has really changed now the federal election is officially underway. The major parties have been campaigning for months, so it's understandable many people have already tuned out.

Story:Dear Editor

Many Canadians will quite reasonably ask what has really changed now the federal election is officially underway.

The major parties have been campaigning for months, so it's understandable many people have already tuned out. We would not be surprised if a new low in voter turnout is achieved.

The prospect is we will be electing a government that looks much like the one we just had. And the one before that.

It is your right as a Canadian citizen to change the way government treats the citizen. If there is some underlying theme to world events since Canadians last voted in a federal election 31 months ago, it is that good government matters.

This election matters to the country and everyone who lives here. We still need to keep our economy growing; addressing the struggle to provide health care to an aging population; the resources are there. The tension remains between the need to throttle back green house emissions and the need to develop our renewable energy sector.

This campaign is all about change. Remember the beginning of a campaign rarely foretells the end. Voters will make a difference.

Reaching out to the 18- to 80-year-olds and listening to their needs and wants, the Conservatives will run on their record. The Liberals will try to show they have a plan. The NDP will straddle the fence as always. The Greens best plan is your constituency representative.

Honesty, preparedness, integrity, sincerity, presentation - all count.

What issues matter to you? Are you proud of the role Canada is taking on the world stage? Are you confident as to how Canada has treated the provinces and its citizens and undercut democracy to meet their political goals?

One thing you can count on is that in this election the outcome will be determined by those who show up to vote. Don't miss out.

Give the people something to vote for, not against.

Ron Cox

Lloydminster, Sask.