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Gym etiquette

When you decide to join the gym, it can be an intimidating experience all on its own. Not to mention that you may have no idea about gym etiquette. You may try to watch what others are doing or ask a staff member.

When you decide to join the gym, it can be an intimidating experience all on its own. Not to mention that you may have no idea about gym etiquette. You may try to watch what others are doing or ask a staff member. Here is a list of the dos and don'ts in the gym.

Do Clean Your Equipment. There is nothing more disgusting then having a big pool of sweat left behind on a bench. Use the towels and cleaner provided to clean each piece of equipment after you use it.

Don't Be a Slob. Put your weights away after you are done with them. Put your magazines back in the holder. Throw your water bottle in the recycling bin. Put your workout bag in a locker, not on the bench beside you. Simple things that make everyone's experience a little nicer.

Do Wear Indoor Shoes. Yes, even in summer! All those little pebbles on your shoes are wrecking the treadmill and driving up membership prices. Not to mention making a mess everywhere. No matter how clean you think your shoes are, they aren't. We don't wear our shoes in your house, don't wear yours in ours.

Don't Be Smelly. Too much perfume is going to make it hard for me to run beside you on the treadmill and so is body odour. Put on some antiperspirant and skip the perfume.

Do Watch Your Sound Effects. A little grunting is understandable, but keep it to a minimum. Also, watch the language! We realize that the workout you are doing is challenging but shouting out obscenities is not necessary and can be quite offensive.

Don't Be Everyone's Teacher. Remember that it isn't your responsibility to teach everyone new exercises. In fact, it might be unsafe. Their trainer may have them doing specific exercises that are safe for them, their workout level and their specific situation. If someone asks you for help, definitely feel free to offer some advice. If not, focus on your own workout. If you notice someone doing something that you believe is wrong, ask the trainer on staff to correct them rather than doing it yourself.

Most rules in the gym are common sense. Remember that not everyone is doing the same workout as you, not everyone wants to chat while they work out and not everyone wants to overhear your cellphone conversation. Respect the space and the others you share it with.

Say It! Mean It! Do It!