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It's five o'clock somewhere

You have to love country and western radio stations. Although I mostly tune into CBC's mighty 540, I sometimes take a break and move the dial around to a different AM experience.

You have to love country and western radio stations. Although I mostly tune into CBC's mighty 540, I sometimes take a break and move the dial around to a different AM experience. Thursday morning as a pulled into work at an early hour I was serenaded with the strains of "It's five o'clock somewhere." There's a concept to take with you as you start the workday.

Earlier, on the same station, I listened to a rant about the trashy TV programs produced to fill up the thousand-channel universe. There's no doubt the editorial had a point. There's some really bad stuff on the tube.

After a recent unfortunate connection between my finger and a ball on the "wrecked" volleyball court, it was suggested perhaps I am too old for such pursuits. As I observed the chosen activity of the one making that pronouncement, I said I just wasn't yet ready to devote my life to watching American Hoggers on television.

There's a wonderfully simple solution to TV trash. Turn off the tube! When the denizen of the remote is taken away from our household overnight, even for days at a time, the big screen presence in my household goes blank. I admit I do enjoy watching the Riders (wells sometimes) in high definition, but I've been known to have to say, "Can someone find me the game. I don't know how to run this thing."

Check out this Wednesday's News-Optimist or go online to and read children author Helena Long's suggestions for creating a screen-free month in your household. According to her family's experience it's an excellent way to reconnect, foster love for reading and simply a refreshing break from all that banal blather.

That's it from my corner. How about letting me know what you've observed from yours? Email me at with "my corner" in the subject line and I'll share your observations with our readers.