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Keep waiting

Linda's Lines: Wait patiently on and for the Lord
Helping Hands
Many aspects of daily living have a component of "just waiting."

Every week I put many hours of prayer and thought into these articles and, I admit, some weeks are much easier than others. For example, these past few days have been full of activity but there haven’t been many occasions that seemed worth sharing. But on the other hand ….

As most evangelical Christians believe, Christ is coming back soon; on some days, soon can’t come soon enough. Listening to the radio recently I was blessed to hear some of the old familiar songs: “Soon and very soon, we are going to see the King.” and “What a day that will be when my Jesus I shall see.” Looking back at all those who have passed away before that took place, makes the word “wait” pertinent.

Something closer to home for us: While a friend was here yesterday, I received a fresh view on waiting. I’m so thankful for his presence and his wisdom. I ended up rushing Ed to emergency but that’s just a small part of it. The waiting room was full to overflowing with crowds waiting in other areas. We arrived just before 4 p.m. and got home close to 10 p.m. It was a long wait. Now it’s a matter of waiting until medication takes effect.

The Psalmist David so often exhorted his people, and us, to wait patiently on and for the Lord, (Psalm 27:14) (Psalm 37:7). In our land our struggles are mostly minor compared to those in other parts of the world and in other situations and I often wonder how “waiting” feels to those suffering for their freedom or their faith.

The Apostle Paul was in prison when he wrote: “we eagerly wait for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ …. Our citizenship is in Heaven. … so stand fast in the Lord, beloved.”