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Kindness and shortfalls

A hearty thank you to the First Nations couple who gave me a ride to the funeral home one cold windy day. A man from the funeral home opened the truck door and said, "It's very slippery here, hold onto my arm.

A hearty thank you to the First Nations couple who gave me a ride to the funeral home one cold windy day. A man from the funeral home opened the truck door and said, "It's very slippery here, hold onto my arm." I got out of the backseat of the truck and forgot my walking cane. A couple of days later the cane was returned by the First Nations woman, who noted the cane was inscribed with a name address and phone number.

This is not so much a boot, as a word of advice for local health care professionals. Recently I underwent x-rays in Saskatoon. I noticed a big difference in the hospital's x-ray table compared to local facilities. They have a foam mattress in a plastic casing. On top, they provide a thin cotton sheet that they change after each patient. Please, BUH, get a foam mattress for your x-ray table. My senior friends at Tower No. 2 and I agree that the current table is like lying on a sheet of ice. I don't mean to offend anyone, but I am speaking on behalf of all who have x-rays at BUH. If a squeaky wheel can get some grease, hopefully our x-ray table can get a foam mattress.

Ann U. Ewanchuk

Tower No. 2

North Battleford