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Linda’s Lines: Lord, how it rained

Moderation isn’t always the easiest thing
Cup of tea
Even on days like today when rain is teeming down in buckets, everything in me craved my specialty tea, turning my introspection to thoughts of moderation.

Lord, did it rain! So hard, in fact, that it’s hard to recall that just weeks ago we were praying for the wet stuff. Over this past weekend, at least here in coastal British Columbia, we’ve had the usual amount of rain normally experienced in the month of October in just the past couple of days. Moderation seems to be out of style.

For me, at least, moderation isn’t always the easiest thing. Here’s one example to which I often refer (probably too often). Even on days like today when rain is teeming down in buckets, everything in me craved my specialty tea. Sure, I make tea at home but this, along with the smiles and chats with staff and acquaintances, keeps me heading into town and through the drive-through source of my favourite brew.

As trivial as this may seem, thoughts of moderation became my internal theme for this week’s article. What does God say about moderation? Are there areas where it’s commanded? Other instances where we are to be liberal or even extravagant in how we operate? Here are a few suggestions.

First, we are exhorted to “pray without ceasing.” Now that doesn’t mean we are commanded to spend hours physically kneeling (although reading in church history, there were men and women who literally did this on a daily basis). As we go about our daily responsibilities, however, our thoughts can be centred on asking God for His help both personally and for others. I find myself unconsciously doing that doing the day and often waking in the night praying.

As we learn to pray like that, we are able to forgive and love freely more freely.