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Little changes that can make a difference

As promised last week, here is another list of small lifestyle changes you can start incorporating into your life this week. Remember that trying to slowly make changes helps ensure that you don't get overwhelmed, frustrated or discouraged.

As promised last week, here is another list of small lifestyle changes you can start incorporating into your life this week. Remember that trying to slowly make changes helps ensure that you don't get overwhelmed, frustrated or discouraged. Try these things this week! Try one small change daily to improve your health.

Day 8: Book a physical with your doctor. Knowledge is power. Find out your cholesterol level, blood pressure, etc. And find out what you can do to improve these numbers.

Day 9: Plan to eat out only once this week. Make home prepared meals every other day.

Day 10: Get eight hours of sleep tonight. Even if it means going to bed super early. Take note of how great you feel the next day. It's empowering.

Day 11: Today and every day, make sure you laugh out loud at least once. Simple.

Day 12: Get a pedometer. Canada's Physical Activity Guide recommends about 16,500 steps per day, which really isn't that many. You can even download a pedometer app for your iPhone. Chart your steps and aim for 500 more tomorrow.

Day 13: Eliminate liquid calories today. Aim for this everyday. This means black coffee, no pop, fruit juices or other sugary drinks.

Day 14: Get rid of your salt shaker. Food contains enough sodium that you don't typically need to add any extra to your diet. It takes less than two weeks to adjust your taste buds to start enjoying unsalted food. Try herbs for extra flavour instead.

Day 15: Add a new exercise to your routine. Get Keith at Northern Athletic Club to show you how to use a piece of equipment you have never used before. Never let your workout routine get boring!

These small changes can add up to huge results. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can start today.

Say it! Mean it! Do it!