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Ministerial message: I’ve been hacked

Ever hear those words? Not so long ago I found myself a victim of a computer hacking and if you ever have, you know the feeling as well.

Ever hear those words? Not so long ago I found myself a victim of a computer hacking and if you ever have, you know the feeling as well.

You feel you’ve been tricked, taken advantage of, foolish and afraid of what you have possibly given away as far as personal information. The gentleman on the other end of the phone seemed so convincing and sincere. As much as I felt warning bells going off in my head I proceeded to allow this person to keep giving me advice. I kept thinking ‘I should quick phone my local computer store and talk to the guy who I trusted with my computer needs” but I continued my conversation instead with the guy currently on the phone. Eventually I put him on hold. Phoned my computer store guy who promptly confirmed that the person I was talking to was indeed a hacker.

This experience caused me to wonder how many of us have been “hacked” spiritually. It might have been someone telling us something that sounded convincing enough but if we never measured it up against the Word of God we can be derailed in our spiritual life.

I’m convinced that our enemy, the devil, is our spiritual hacker that seeks to keep us out of God’s Word as he knows that is where truth is found, and where the power is. He will tell us things like, you won’t understand the Bible, it’s too hard to know where to start, people will think you are too religious, it is a book from so long ago it’s no longer relevant today, and so on. As long as the devil can keep you in that conversation you won’t take the time to find the truth about the matter. Don’t let your spiritual life get hacked. Hang up the “phone” with the devil and connect with the truth of God’s Word.

Last weekend we celebrated Thanksgiving and the many blessings that God has given to us such as our freedom, our family, our community but the greatest blessing we have been given is our Heavenly Father who loves us so dearly that He wants to have a personal relationship with us. He created us, knows us and sent His Son to die in our place. He gave us His Word to guide us so we would not get tricked by our enemy the devil. Psalm 119:105 NLT states, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”

As you celebrate all the blessings in your life this weekend can I encourage you to grab your bible and read the truth again for yourself? You won’t be disappointed and you will keep yourself from getting spiritually hacked!