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Starvation not the route to success

Exercise is considered a cornerstone to any weight loss or healthy living program. Any diet restricting exercise should be avoided.

Exercise is considered a cornerstone to any weight loss or healthy living program. Any diet restricting exercise should be avoided. If someone is recommending that you stop exercising during a weight loss plan it is likely because they have you eating such a minimal number of calories it may be dangerous for you to exercise. Of course, lowering caloric intake is important in order to help you lose weight, but it must be done within reasonable limits. There are many health consequences to lowering your caloric intake too much. For the average person, anything below 1,200 calories per day is too low.

Some of the risks associated with severe calorie restriction are:

A slower metabolism ? The body works hard to protect its fat stores during periods of starvation. Instead of burning fat for fuel our body uses muscles for energy, burning away some of our lean muscle. Less lean muscle results in a lower metabolic rate which means the body requires fewer calories to function, or a slower metabolism.

Malnutrition? Essential vitamin and mineral deprivation are a result of low calorie intake because sufficient nutrients are difficult to obtain on a severely restricted diet. Remember, vitamins and minerals are necessary for optimal functioning and deficiencies can cause an extensive list of health problems.

Reproductive problems ? Your body is a smart mechanism. During periods of starvation your reproductive function slows down dramatically or even stops completely. This can result in ovulatory dysfunction and even infertility (in both men and women). This is a problem that can take years to correct even if you have returned to consuming normal calorie levels.

Other health problems ? Very low calorie intake can also cause added stress as diet plans are typically strict with little or no variation. There is a high risk of the ?yo-yo? diet effect which can lead to heart problems, cholesterol problems and a risk of increased obesity. Due to lack of proper nutrients, reduced bone mass and osteoporosis become higher risk. Immune system function becomes compromised and your risk of permanent damage to vital organs as they rely on energy from your diet intake, including carbohydrates.

Over 95 per cent of ?fad? or extreme dieters regain their lost weight plus additional weight within five years. Any credible nutritionist will tell you all weight loss plans should include an exercise portion in order to lose weight permanently and healthily. Aim for gradual weight loss, about two to three pounds per week. You must retrain your mind. Get regular exercise, make healthy choices, and eat smaller portions. This method always works in the long run with no damaging side effects. It is tough work, but well worth it in the end. If you aren?t sure how to get started, let me help!

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