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Uniqueness of Humboldt not part of SHR vision

The latest in a series of events regarding St. Mary's Villa and the elderly is hardly surprising. Several years ago, we had a "Transition Unit" at the hospital for those elderly people that were in dire straits and had no place to go.

The latest in a series of events regarding St. Mary's Villa and the elderly is hardly surprising.
Several years ago, we had a "Transition Unit" at the hospital for those elderly people that were in dire straits and had no place to go. It served as a place where patients and families were able to formulate some plans as to what they were to do next.
That was unique in the Health Region - GONE!
The Villa had a room where people were able to spend the night if they were visiting or needed a place to mourn the loss of a loved one. That was unique to the Health Region - GONE! The Health Region took that space over, for what else, another office!!
Regarding enriched housing, Ms. Blevins is quoted as saying, "Most long-term care facilities don't have them." That too seems to be unique to the Health Region - GONE?? (I'd bet on it!).
Perhaps it is time for the citizens of Humboldt to remind the bureaucracy in Saskatoon that we are indeed unique and have our needs! Humboldt's vision for its citizens had a greater accommodation for the aged, than some of those employed by the Saskatoon Health Region (SHR) could ever comprehend!