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Where is the integrity?

In reference to the letter "Bad publicity undeserved" (Humboldt Journal, February 29) I beg to differ. The statement that the CO issue was dragged up again after 14 months makes me shudder - shame on you.

In reference to the letter "Bad publicity undeserved" (Humboldt Journal, February 29) I beg to differ.
The statement that the CO issue was dragged up again after 14 months makes me shudder - shame on you. I would like to share my world for the last 14 months. My wife who is an employee of St. Mary's Villa went to work one weekend in December 2010 and was unaware that her and her co-workers were walking into what many people have referred to as a gas chamber. She came home a different person. For those of you who don't understand what CO does to a person, I have been living with the results of that for the last year.
The proven unsafe work conditions (CO poison) that my wife was exposed to has been life-changing for her and our family.
SHR indicated the boiler in question was "one of many identified for replacement in 2007." Where was the due diligence?
The SHR also state "the health and safety of our residents and staff is our number one priority."
I live every day with the proof that they didn't care. The sad thing about all of this, in my opinion, is it could have totally been prevented. The bottom line is everything is about money. People were not the number one concern and they should have been. We can see that with the bungled communication with the enriched housing tenants kicked out after a few days' notice. Did that show dignity and respect? These elderly people built up our province.
The carbon monoxide poisoning that the SHR admits contributed to the deaths of three residents indicates that those residents and their families paid the ultimate price and the staff and their families are also still paying a price.
Shame on you for thinking this should just go away. These people are your co-workers.
Accountability is another word I like, unfortunately I haven't heard that word lately, either.