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Covered by grace

I found it, the perfect fit and an end to a more than a year-long search! “It”, an elusive Tupperware™ lid, sat at our local thrift shop, possibly destined for recycling.


I found it, the perfect fit and an end to a more than a year-long search! “It”, an elusive Tupperware™ lid, sat at our local thrift shop, possibly destined for recycling.

I’ve come close to tossing the accompanying large storage container but I couldn’t make myself do it because the size and shape is unique and perfect for my baking sprees. Over the years the lid had warped until the corners cracked and finally, it became unusable. Efforts by our local representative to locate another one were unsuccessful.

As simple a thing as it may seem and probably as unlikely a topic for an inspirational article as one could imagine, that lid was extremely important to me. For example: a large loaf of my homemade whole grain bread fits in perfectly. Storing several dozen muffins is no problem and three or four dozen cookies are right at home in there. Without a lid, however, all the usefulness of the vessel is gone. I found myself mulling over the similarity of that lid and the lessons God longs for us to learn.

I thought of how valuable we are to Him. While we may consider ourselves beyond redemption or usefulness and while He allows circumstances in our lives in order to refine our character, He never discards or punishes us.

“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love…” Jeremiah 31:3

If we choose to ignore His gestures of love, that’s our privilege. God will never force Himself on us but He never stops loving us.

Next, I realized afresh the glorious privilege of being covered by His grace through salvation.

“…He has clothed me with the garments of salvation; He has covered me with the robe of righteousness.” Isaiah 61:10

Loved to receive salvation, covered to make us useful. Oh the lessons in a lid!