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Finding heaven and hearing the angels wings

In Young Empire’s song “The Gates” the group reflects a universal search for the Gates of Heaven: “ No, I won't lose hope, no, I won't lose sight
But heaven is a place I just can't find Run from the shadows and run to the light Running from a past I

            In Young Empire’s song “The Gates” the group reflects a universal search for the Gates of Heaven:

No, I won't lose hope, no, I won't lose sight
But heaven is a place I just can't find

Run from the shadows and run to the light

Running from a past I left behind

Haunted by a memory that I just can't set free

Searching for the man that I used to be”.

            Like you and me, the lyricists’ acknowledge our distance from the light, from goodness. We all have sin in our lives that distances us from God. And yet we are haunted by a longing for the eternal, for God’s peace.

            Recently I heard an ad that asked, “If you could be anyone you wanted to be, who would you choose to be?” There were suggestions: a sports celebrity, a world leader, an entertainer.

            After some reflection I felt that I might just choose me. Maybe I’ve tasted enough success in life to be content with who I am, but the turning point was the consideration that with God’s help we can become who we are meant to be.

            In life’s journey we all have gifts and talents to use. We may be philosophers, social animators, leaders or just good followers, but we have a role to play in our world.

            Empire’s song “The Gates” reflects our shortcoming:

“I've made my sacrifice
In the ashes of bad life

Heaven is a place that I can't find”.

            Our sins and failings bind us down when we would rather fly. But we can accept God’s redemptive gift of Jesus to unbind us. Sin can “haunt me like a ghost” the song suggests:

“No, I can't lose hope, no, I won't lose sight
And I won't stop looking for heaven's light

I hear the angels singing when I close my eyes

And I can hear the bells ringing like a siren's cry”.

            Heaven calls us; the angels guide us, and God often breaks through the order of nature to show us special signs and give us hope. All we need to do is watch and listen for his messages.

            At the recent funeral of a close friend as we stood by the graveside in the crisp September air, suddenly the wind started to pick up. There was a rushing hum that filled our ears. I mused to myself that this would be hard not to notice. In a few moments it was gone.

            Angel’s wings? It was one of heaven’s moments, a wonderful sign for us. As the song “The Gates” says, “You're not alone, you're not alone, you're not alone”.

            Life’s journey is wonderful and exciting. Be quick to pack for the trip. “I can feel it in my bones…I can hear the bell’s ringing,” and I know we’re not alone.

            “No, I can't lose hope, no, I won't lose sight

            And I won't stop looking for heaven's light

            I hear the angels singing when I close my eyes

            And I can hear the bells ringing like a siren's cry.”