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God's sign is still a rainbow in the clouds

We need to balance the pains, sorrows and afflictions of this life with God's abundant gifts. In a week when three courageous police officers lost their lives in Moncton, finding the rainbow in the clouds seemed difficult.

We need to balance the pains, sorrows and afflictions of this life with God's abundant gifts.

In a week when three courageous police officers lost their lives in Moncton, finding the rainbow in the clouds seemed difficult. But it was definitely there! Here is one example from the news story on line:

"The couple's view across the street was clear: A camouflaged gunman, standing on the sidewalk under a tree shedding pink flowers, shot the RCMP officer 'pretty well point blank.'

"The man and his wife were horrified, but instead of staying locked in their home, they bolted toward the victim. The man called 911. [The rainbow is breaking through the mist]

"The man who found Constable Larcheasked to remain anonymousnot wanting to take anything away from the real heroes: the fallen Mounties.

"neighbours screamedpleading with the couple to go back inside. The man said his wife ran to a neighbour's home, but he stayed with the officer. He called out to a passing driver for a blanketto cover the man's body on the street."

I can't tell this story without choking back the tears. We do not need to experience such tragedy to know it is time for our mayors to declare a "Police Appreciation Day". Their courage, perseverance and professionalism are on the line every time policemen report for duty or stop a car.

Back to our rainbow - Oprah was paying a tribute to Maya Angelou who died mere days before the Moncton tragedy. Maya once consoled someone who was blubbering incoherently, "I'm trying to explain to you what happened."

"I want you to stop and say thank you," Maya said, "because whatever it is, you have the faith to know that God has put a rainbow in the clouds and you are going to come out the other side the better for it."

Staying close to God, hardly a feat since God is always present, will help us through the tough times and bring joy and peace in every circumstance.

A recent Saint in the church St Josemaria in his Prayer for the Sick says:

It's necessary to become convinced that God is close beside us all the time. We live as though the Lord were far away, in the starlit heavens, and we don't consider that he is also always by our side.

And he is here like a loving Father - he loves each one of us more than all the mothers in the world can love their children...

When it feels as if the Lord has given up on you, don't give way to sadness. Seek him with greater determination! He who is Love does not leave you on your own.

Cheerfulness is a necessary consequence of our divine filiation, of knowing that our Father God loves uswelcomes us, helps us and forgives us.

Remembereven if it should seem at times that everything is collapsing, nothing is collapsing at all, because God doesn't lose battles.

St. Josemaria's secret of happiness: the Cross on your shoulders, with a smile on your lips, and a light in your soul. All the things that are now worrying you can be solved by making an effort to smile for love of God. You should make sure that wherever you are there is that good humour - that cheerfulness - which is born of an interior life.

When I came back to my office to finish this article there was a rainbow in the sky outside my window.