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I will run again

It's been quite a week. Though not in chronological order, I first want to offer my thoughts and prayers to the people who lived, and in too many cases, died, in West, Texas.

It's been quite a week. Though not in chronological order, I first want to offer my thoughts and prayers to the people who lived, and in too many cases, died, in West, Texas. After having lived for many years in small agricultural-based towns and villages I still can't fully comprehend the shock and numbness that residents must be feeling after an icon of their industry, long a part of the landscape, exploded, claiming friends and family in the process.

And is there anyone who hasn't been glued to their television sets this week as the horror of the Boston Marathon bombing unfolded? Not surprisingly, this week's Canadian phone-in show, Cross Country Checkup, invited participants to offer their comments and opinions on the recent, horrific events. I admit I snoozed through part of the two hour show, after all it is aired from 1:00 to 3:00 Sunday afternoon and as every good Christian knows, that's nap time. In spite of a few mental absences from the discussions, however, I listened to a lot of well thought out comments and a few 'rabbit trails'. In all that I heard no one dispute the fear and revulsion that accompanied that bomb blast and the ensuing aftermath.

One comment from a participant in the race, however, stood out for me. Approximately half a mile from the finish line she received the news; still shaken by it all she avowed, almost in defiance, "I will keep running".

My challenges have never included a bomb or an exploding fertilizer plant and chances are, yours haven't either but no one escapes the disappointments and pain that come with living.

"I will [not merely walk, but] run the way of Your commandments, when You give me a heart that is willing. " (Psalm 119:32 - Amplified)

Don't quit my friend, let's keep on running!