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It's all about the numbers

Not only are we a society that counts on technology to turn our lights on and off, ensure that the roast is cooked to perfection and notify us of any and every appointment, we've also managed to neatly divide life's greatest challenges into packages

Not only are we a society that counts on technology to turn our lights on and off, ensure that the roast is cooked to perfection and notify us of any and every appointment, we've also managed to neatly divide life's greatest challenges into packages of time. Just today I noted a post on Facebook that told me how to de-clutter in ten easy steps. The author of this blog obviously hasn't seen my desk.

A second example pertains to a wonderful book titled One Thousand Gifts. Written by Anne Voskamp, it chronicles her journey into a life of gratitude. By simply but consciously taking note of individual reasons to give thanks she has created a best selling book and a testimony of how her life has been changed. She's also provided a guide to the rest of us.

Then there is the site that promises to give my significant self a new and model-slim body in just one month. There's nothing to it, I'm told, with seven options for losing twenty pounds in thirty days. I suppose I could do it but only by ridding the house of food of any kind, gorging on water (I don't drink diet soda, heard it's not healthy) and running up and down the basement steps on an hourly basis. I'm not a good candidate.

Be it emotional, spiritual, physical or social, someone is going to create a plan to provide a solution that's accompanied, of course, by a number. It's interesting that God's word lays out numerical statistics as well. Creation? Seven days. Noah's rain storm? Forty days and forty nights.

So then, what is our responsibility when it comes to number crunching? Equally important, what are the benefits?

"So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)

10-4, Amen!