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I always associate my Grandma Barker with the lyrics to a song written by George Sanders and Clarence Kelley. This ancient but delightful piece went like this: "I'm a little teapot, short and stout.

I always associate my Grandma Barker with the lyrics to a song written by George Sanders and Clarence Kelley. This ancient but delightful piece went like this: "I'm a little teapot, short and stout. Here is my handle, here is my spout…"

Special events in our family demanded that Grandma deliver her rendition of the song. After her customary disclaimers of memory loss she would tantalize us with the most delightful English accent and, rubbing the belly of her faithful teapot, she'd recite the entire poem. I've never forgotten that and whether it was her influence or not, I can't imagine life without copious amounts of brewed tea. It was with great sadness, then, that the pot matching my set of everyday dishes broke a few years ago.

Fast forward to a more recent incident. I had just finished helping a friend and as I was about to leave she handed me "something to say thanks". There it was - a teapot exactly like the one I'd had to set aside for use as a flower pot. As hard as it is to believe, I was nearly speechless.

Carefully tucking my new treasure into the trunk of the car I headed home, my head filled with thoughts of "every day miracles". From that day forward the blue and white patterned teapot reminds me of God's surprises, given just because He loves us.

This past week I enjoyed several other blessings: a surprise phone call from a dear friend and former work colleague. “You’ve been on my heart for the past several weeks she said,” and I nearly cried with joy. The other was a visit from a couple who’d moved away: both were totally unexpected; both, truly encouraging.

“Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11