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Hubby's been on a murderous rampage this past week and I totally support him; in fact, I have congratulated him for bagging approximately three dozen targets in just one hunting expedition.

Hubby's been on a murderous rampage this past week and I totally support him; in fact, I have congratulated him for bagging approximately three dozen targets in just one hunting expedition. Lest you’re wondering if we have abandoned all our Christian convictions, be assured that the objects of these manhunts are not human.

Here's why. Gardening has its challenges, no matter where a person lives and those challenges certainly include pests unique to every location. While I've finally adjusted to the most of the different bugs and beetles residing on the West Coast (as compared to those on the prairies), the presence of slugs continues to nauseate and infuriate me. Frankly I find them horrid creatures! They are slimy, elusive, destructive and to top it all off, they flaunt their presence by leaving a shiny trail of mucus behind them as proof they'd been there. As if I needed more proof than the tattered leafs of hostas, beans and head of lettuce that was almost ready to harvest.

"Way to go", I told Hubby as I lauded his efforts, "go get some more of them!" That's when I realized God might have had a reason for adding them to the list of critters to create. I soon discovered that He did. In fact, they're a food source for other animals, they break down dead and dying matter including dung and they're useful in recycling nutrients such as nitrogen through the food chain. While clearing areas of such materials they also spread seeds through their own waste.

Have you ever felt useless, unlovely or totally rejected? Ever entertained slug-like opinions about yourself or about others? Here's good news!

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1 (NIV)