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What song shall I sing?

This evening my son and I are going for a drive and a long talk. Let me preface the explanation by stating that I am not depressed, I simply want to have my end-of-life health care directives down on paper before the inevitable becomes the immediate.

This evening my son and I are going for a drive and a long talk. Let me preface the explanation by stating that I am not depressed, I simply want to have my end-of-life health care directives down on paper before the inevitable becomes the immediate.

Among the things I've been considering are these: am I willing to go through cancer treatments again? How about a care facility? Am I willing to spend my final years in a wheelchair? To whom do I leave my vast treasures? Actually that last example is a joke, meant to lighten up this article. Seriously, though, I hadn't realized how many options and situations need to be addressed. I count myself fortunate in having a son who specializes in geriatric care; without his expertise this exercise would be even more difficult.

Although not related to my future medical care, I'm also in the process of planning my funeral service. Again, I'm not obsessed with dying, just with having the right music for the occasion. Even that isn't turning out to be as easy as I originally thought it would be. "Jesus, the very thought of Thee" is at the top of my list and has been for years. The grand old hymns of promise, "He the Pearly Gates will Open" and "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be" are blessed contenders. The focus of it all, however, is found in the words, "I shall see Him, face to face, and tell the story, saved by grace".

Among all the choices I've ever made or ever will make, by far the best was making Him the Lord of my life.

"For me to life is Christ - His life in me; and to die is gain - the gain of the glory of eternity." Philippians 1:21 AMP

How I'll sing over there!