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Where do we begin?

Well, we’ve arrived. It’s 2015, we’re all a year older and our world has changed.

Well, we’ve arrived. It’s 2015, we’re all a year older and our world has changed. If you’re like me I’m already looking ahead for new opportunities for growth, change  and for service but always with the understanding that there are new challenges awaiting me. As I often do, I turned to Google to articulate my thoughts. Here’s a quote by some anonymous scribe: “A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other.”

      I like that one because it describes exactly the effectiveness of New Year resolutions in my life. What I do believe in, though, is a commitment to keep on learning and growing for as long as I live. Next step? Where do I begin and how do I keep going?

      Several first things, at least according to articles I’ve read, include setting realistic goals and taking vital first steps. This year I am determined to do more recreational reading and I’m delighted to say that I’ve already started by devouring, for first time ever, E.B. White’s brilliant story, “Charlotte’s Web”. What proof that it’s never too late to discover treasures!

      Next, I’m told, it’s important to confirm the decision by writing it down, then telling someone else. In other words, becoming accountable. When life gets difficult, when emotions are battered or when the body begins to slow down, knowing that someone else is cheering for you makes the journey easier. It also makes it harder to quit.

While some folks are encouragers, there are always those people and situations that drain one’s energy and resolve. Thankfully, it’s absolutely necessary and perfectly okay to remove them from our circle of life influencers.

      “In all these things we are more than conquerors…through Him….” Romans 8:37

I invite you to join me in proving that Christ is the Great Enabler.