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In the Community

Still what can I give?

Heading into yet another year I'm still faced with the same dilemma: what do I give Him? Christmas is over but the question lingers. I was awed by the offerings of Magi; the opulence and timeliness of their gifts is beyond my ability to give.

A gift with death in mind

In spite of budgetary constraints and all conventional wisdom, a local resident known only as Mary recently spent her entire budget on just one gift. Not only that, she ended up dumping it.

Christmas without Christ and the Resurrection

True story: A Red Army interdict in 1917 declared, Anyone found worshipping God in any church can be shot on sight or arrested. Every morning people would slink from shadowy doorway to shadowy doorway, furtively sneaking to daily Mass, to church.

UC Chimes: It's Christmas!

One of our church ladies said, "Christmas comes once a year!" Yes, that is true! The Christmas season comes only one time per year, not twice or three times like holidays or times of greetings may.

Boy's generosity astounds thousands

As reported in the first edition of Christ's News publication, Jesus, son of Mary and step-son of Nazareth-based carpenter Joseph, began receiving unusual gifts just weeks after He was born.

UC Chimes: Peggy's Cove

A month ago, while attending a church conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia, a friend of mine and I visited Peggy's Cove, which is known as one of the most popular tourist attractions in Canada. Truly it was wonderful and beautiful scenery.

Why the devil works so hard to break up families

In a dark room, peering into a crystal ball, the Mystic delivered the grave news: "Your husband will die a violent and horrible death this year." Visibly shaken, the woman took a few deep breaths to compose herself, but she simply had to know.

UC Chimes: Near sight and far sight

When people are young, they are usually able to see things better that are near rather than far away. This is called near sightedness.

Proof of heaven and near death experiences

The idea of near death experiences (NDE) of heaven and God are "wonderful stuff", but "in my opinion, pure fantasy," Dr. Eben Alexander said before the encounter that changed his life. A neuro-surgeon for 25 years, Eben contracted a deadly E.

What to give for Christmas

"Tis the season" has begun in earnest as Black Friday makes a hasty retreat in the face of White Christmas. For me, the dilemma of trying to figure out what to give who has begun.