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In the Community

Safe am I

I remember exactly what we were doing on September 11, 2001. I was working in my home office; my husband was watching the morning news. It was, to all appearances, the regular beginning to an ordinary day. It wasn't to remain that way.

Keeping the tank full

Have you, like me, ever found yourself recalling some obscure or strange snippet of an event while other details of the happening weren't as important? This week I've been thinking about a trip we took to Toronto approximately forty years ago.

Learn to smile when you repeat, God does

A woman tells her husband, "GO to the store; LAY DOWN the mulch; GET the kids from school; rent SOME videos, and finish the REST of the dishes." You can figure out what the husband hears.

Pause for Reflection

Even though he could not tell time, my three-year-old grandson was wearing a watch when I visited. Later, when I was putting on my coat to leave, I asked him what time it was. He looked at his watch blankly, then brightened.

Check that number

Call it bad luck, good fortune, a dumb move or the occasion for a good chuckle - any of these descriptions could be used to describe a news item I read this week.

Pause for Reflection

A group of Rabbi's had finished their semester of study when one Rabbi suggested that they celebrate with wine. He would pay for it, but no one offered to go make the purchase.

Do you mean what you say?

Ever heard either of these expressions? "It's a deal. Let's shake on it," or "I'll be there, I give you my word.

Pause for Reflection

Recently I saw a mother and her teen daughter leaving a store. The mother looked sad and worried. The daughter, whose facial semblance was obvious, looked less worried and almost happy.

Riches of the harvest

I spent most of today weeding the vegetable garden, an exercise (pun intended) that meets my definition of pure delight.

Pause for Reflection

If you are in a large family, the first thing you need is a sense of humour. Comedian Jim Graffigan says parents get burned out in big families, even naming of children.