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In the Community

When you pray

Years ago we knew a young fellow who used to love to say grace before meals. No matter how briefly or fervently he prayed he always added this comment: "And dear God, help our food to turn to energy and not fat".

Pause for Reflection: To hear or not to hear, that is the question

A man walked into a busy metro station on a cold morning in January, laid his collection hat down and began to play his instrument.

UC Chimes: Looking for Dream Team volunteers

Fall has arrived and we are gradually getting back into the swing of things. We hope you had an enjoyable and refreshing summer, notwithstanding the wet weather.

Pause for Reflection: Living life to be good enough or to soar like an eagle

The age-old question why did the chicken cross the road? Would have received varied answers in history: Robert Frost: To cross the road less traveled by. Darwin: It was the logical next step after coming down from the trees.

Make 'em laugh

There are two things I thoroughly enjoy: my role and work in United Way and being part of our local Toastmasters club.

Pause for Reflection Forgiving brings peace even before the seventy-seventh time

There is a story about a world-weary elderly man after the time of the French Revolution who was reduced to begging at the church doors. One day a young priest approached him, gave him a cloak and invited him to his home.

What's a phone call worth?

When it comes to telephones, things sure have changed since I was a kid listening in on the party line.

Pause for Reflection: Touching the fringe of his garment

My wife said, "Watcha doin today?" I said, "Nothing." She said, "You did that yesterday." I said, "I wasn't finished." When it comes to doing what Jesus wants us to do, we have unfinished work from yesterday.

It all depends on where you look

One of the things I really appreciate about our home and neighbourhood is the wide variety of visual feasts I can enjoy. Peering out windows of the kitchen and my home-based office I enjoy a sweeping view of the Pacific Ocean, just minutes away.

Love costs

The two oldest granddaughters recently returned from nearly two months of summer training and adventure through the Army Cadet Camp they attended in Whitehorse, North West Territories.