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Carlyle Fire Department gains new equipment through generous donations

At 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, Jeff Yanko (Estevan), Tammy Davies (Carlyle), and Jeff Lees (Carlyle) with Enbridge stopped by the Carlyle Fire Hall to present Fire Chief Trent Lee with a generous donation of $10,000.
From left to right: Carlyle Fire Chief Trent Lee accepts a donation of $10,000 from Enbridge employees including Jeff Yanko (Estevan), Tammy Davies (Carlyle), and Jeff Lees (Carlyle).

At 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 26, Jeff Yanko (Estevan), Tammy Davies (Carlyle), and Jeff Lees (Carlyle) with Enbridge stopped by the Carlyle Fire Hall to present Fire Chief Trent Lee with a generous donation of $10,000.

This money has already been put to good use with the Fire Department purchasing a Fire and Rescue sled, while donations from Merit Ford, ARC Resources, and the Carlyle Lions Club were put towards the sled trailer which came to a total of $7,000.

Yanko explained that their donation came through a community grant program directed towards safety.

"Enbridge has had this program for many years, but this is our second year within our gathering system," Yanko explained.

Despite the grant program being relatively new in the immediate area, Yanko also said that approximately $113,000 has been given to various emergency response programs, hospitals, EMS, and more.

"It's important," Yanko said. "Something we stand behind is safety and integrity, so we're happy to be able to help."

"It's an important program that Enbridge recognizes and it helps much of rural Saskatchewan."

Yanko went on to say that finding funds can be difficult and when companies are able to give money, then the burden is lessened on the volunteers immediately involved in the program.

Yanko went on to give an example of how a simple cheque can help: "I was speaking with someone from Kisbey who we had given a cheque of I think it was only $1,200 and I apologized it wasn't more, but that we hoped to increase the amounts we would be able to give in the future. He told me this was lots it was 20 less pies his wife would have to make for a pie auction."

To this Lee responded by explaining that the majority of equipment the Fire Department uses has been fundraised for or was purchased largely through financial contributions from various companies in the area.

Lee then explained the importance of the new Fire and Rescue snow machine. Though this year there have been limited emergency calls, last year there were three specific times the old 1985 snow machine was used.

In relation to this Fire and Rescue has to be able to reach the scene of an accident with as many members as they need, while also transporting two Emergency Medical Technicians as well. Thus, both the old machine and the new 2014 sleds will be used to ensure safety.

The new sled also carries a wider track and skis allowing them to traverse more difficult terrain than the old sled would allow.

Next on the Fire Department's list of fundraising projects is a new building, which for the past three years has been fundraised for though Lee feels it will be another three years before they are able to realize their final goal.