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Jump in student enrollment

Preliminary numbers show a significant increase in the number of students who have registered this fall at both the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan.

Preliminary numbers show a significant increase in the number of students who have registered this fall at both the University of Regina and University of Saskatchewan.

The official figures will be released later this fall but preliminary numbers already indicate enrolment is up partly because of increases in the number of aboriginal and international students.

"I want to congratulate both universities for their outstanding effort to recruit students through innovative programs and services," Advanced Education, Employment and Immigration Minister Rob Norris said. "I expect this enrolment trend to continue at Saskatchewan post-secondary institutions."

Preliminary figures show that the University of Saskatchewan enrolment now stands at more than 20,000, the third straight year of increases. With a strong increase of students this academic year, the University of Regina student enrolment now totals more than 12,200, an increase of 11 per cent over the year before.

"The recent increase in enrolment at the University of Regina can be attributed to a number of factors such as the UR Guarantee program and the new nursing program we have formed with SIAST," University of Regina President and Vice-Chancellor Vianne Timmons said. "Underlying all of our successful recruitment, retention and program development, however, is the continued support of the Government of Saskatchewan, whose commitment to and investment in our university contributes so much to the success of our students."

"These preliminary results point to the growing reputation of our university, the quality of our academic programs, and the success of our recruitment and retention efforts," University of Saskatchewan Director of Enrolment Alison Pickrell said. "Growing numbers of Aboriginal, international and graduate students confirm the U of S is a destination of choice for students across the province, country and world."

Over the past four years, the Government of Saskatchewan made significant investments in supports for students. This includes enhancements to the Saskatchewan Student Loan program: allowing full-time students to earn as much as they choose during their studies; removed vehicle ownership from the loan calculation; and reduced the interest on student loans to prime.

Along with the introduction of the Graduate Retention Program, offering a tuition rebate of up to $20,000, and the Saskatchewan Innovation and Opportunities Scholarship, a $3 million contribution from the government for post-secondary students.

"The Saskatchewan government has invested more than $2.8 billion in post-secondary education in the past four years and we believe it is having a positive impact on student recruitment and retention," Norris said.