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Kisbey playground coming soon

With the current playground in Kisbey located along a major truck route and having been affected by severe flooding in the spring of 2011 as well as plow winds pushing through that autumn, most of the structures were destroyed.
Hanna Evans and Shalanne Cutler worked hard as young volunteers to clear plates during the Kisbey Playground Fundraiser on Friday, Aug. 23.

With the current playground in Kisbey located along a major truck route and having been affected by severe flooding in the spring of 2011 as well as plow winds pushing through that autumn, most of the structures were destroyed.

This presented a group of individuals with an opportunity to place the structure in a safer, more central location. The new playground will be found behind the Kisbey Rec Centre where the village said the structure would be welcome.

Though the committee has now raised enough for the initial structure through personal donations, sponsorships, and various fundraisers only the group will continue to work towards adding on to the playground structures.

"I can't say enough about the sponsorships," Nora Weightman, committee member, stated. "The companies have been there. We needed sand, 'Yup, you've got it,' was the answer. It's just been fantastic."

Not only have companies been generous, but individuals have also given from the heart, with one individual donation of $10,000.

"The people have really been responding well," Weightman exclaimed.

Currently the installation of the structure is set for Sept. 5th to the 8th. Though the committee had hoped to have it in earlier this summer, September still gives the youth many days to play on the structure this year.

The Playground Committee is now looking for volunteers, however, who will be free during this time to help set the structure up. If anyone is interested in lending a hand contact Amber Curtis, committee president, at (306)462-4938.

Curtis is very excited to see the finished product.

"I'm excited that it's here now," Curtis explained. "Once it's up I'll be very happy."

On Friday, Aug. 23 the committee held a fundraising supper in order to continue with plans of expansion, landscaping, fencing, and a park bench.

"It's been great," Weightman explained of the fundraisers. "The people coming tonight has been so supportive. Our community has been so supportive, people from Arcola, Stoughton, just the whole area."

The evening saw nearly 100 people attend for supper and a night of family fun. With 20 items up for bid in a silent auction and 25 various items in a Chinese auction the committee was able to raise $2,400.

Following the auction Jennifer Karlunchuck and Janelle David took youth on a treasure hunt. Youth then took part in face painting and various games.

Youth Shalanne Cutler, Hanna Evans, and Trinity Curtis performed a musical number before the pudding eating contest where three adults and nine youth competed.

The Playground Committee in Kisbey is very thankful for this as they believe in children playing outside and having the support from the surrounding area means many others agree with them.

Playgrounds offer fresh air and fun for youth, which is something that the committee truly believes in, active young people.

"Kids should be outside enjoying it and being healthy," Curtis said. "The more fresh air they have the better they sleep."